User Tasks
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The first screen that opens upon logging into the system is the User To Do. By default, the tab displaying the list of all tasks is opened.
In the image:
Navigating through the task work pages:
Viewing all tasks;
Creating a new task;
View statistics.
Selecting a task category to display (available only for users with a certain access level):
Viewing tasks associated with the current user (assigned personally by the user, or assigned to a user);
View tasks associated with a specific user.
Selecting a subcategory of tasks. This field appears when a category is selected for viewing tasks associated with the current user. The following subcategories are provided:
View all tasks associated with the current user;
View all tasks assigned to the current user by other users;
View tasks assigned by the current user to other people;
Viewing tasks assigned by the current user to themselves.
Number of active tasks and active tasks with expired deadline.
List of all active tasks.
List of all completed tasks.
Number of all completed tasks, completed tasks successfully, canceled tasks.
If the category of viewing tasks by a specific user is selected, the page will take the following form:
All tasks are characterized by: a) Deadline for task completion (which may be absent). b) Execution priority.
Tasks are differentiated by high, medium, low, or no priority.
To complete or cancel a task, as well as to view its history, you need to click on the task, which will open the task card (as shown in the image below).
The task card contains:
The full text of the task.
Fields for entering the time spent on completing the task.
The history of operations performed on the task, including information on who created the task and when, how the task text was modified, and when and by whom the task was completed or cancelled.
The name of the task creator.
Buttons for completing and cancelling the task.