Creating tasks and assigning them to other employees
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To create a task, you need to navigate to the second tab of the User Tasks page, which is labeled "Creation."
In the image:
1 β User selection field: It allows choosing the user to whom the task needs to be assigned. This field is only available to employees with the corresponding access level.
2 β Task text input field: It is a mandatory field for entering the task description.
3 β Deadline checkbox: It enables or disables the deadline for the task.
4 β Deadline input fields: These fields are only available if the deadline checkbox is enabled, allowing inputting the task deadline. Depends on the time zone of the user.
5 β Priority level selection: It allows choosing the priority level for task execution (high, medium, low, or no priority).
6 β Task creation button. The button is disabled if the mandatory fields are not filled.
After creation, the task will be added to the current task list.