Medical Tests List
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Tests assigned to a client are located in a separate menu item.
The client's list of tests looks as follows:
1 - Button to refresh the list of tests.
2 - Button to create a new list of tests.
3 - The list of tests is presented in the form of cards.
4 - Date on which the entry needs to be made and the creator of the list (date and time are set manually when creating/editing the list, by default it is the current time on your computer).
5 - Button to edit the list.
6 - Button to view the list separately in a new window.
7 - The actual list of tests.
8 - History of operations with the list of tests.
When following the link to view a specific list of tests separately (6), a window of the following kind opens:
In addition to the actual list, the page contains buttons to go back (top left and bottom left corners) and a button to save the list in PDF format (top right corner below the main menu). The view of the list presented on this page is preserved in the file.
There are two ways to create a new list of tests:
Create a new medical record with a field for tests (provided for certain categories).
Create a new list by clicking on the "Create a new list of tests" button on the client's page in the Tests section.
Similar to creating a medical record, when creating a new list of tests through the creation button on the client's page, a backlink is placed at the beginning of the page, followed by brief information about the client to whom the entry is being added, and the date for which the entry is desired, as shown in the image below. The save button is located at the bottom of the page.
The form for entering tests, both when creating a medical record and when creating a separate list, looks as follows:
1 - Search/filter field.
2 - Selection of test categories.
3 - View only selected tests.
4 - Clear selected tests.
5 - Table view of all tests.
6 - Field for selecting a specific test.
7 - Field for entering the quantity of a specific test.
8 - Total number of selected tests.
9 - Total cost of the tests.
10 - Table navigation for tests (number of tests displayed per page, total number of tests in the list, and which ones are in focus, pagination arrows for table pages).
When viewing the list of tests on the client's page, each list has an edit button in the top right corner. When clicking on this button, a window similar to the list creation window opens, with the information about the edited list preloaded: date and time, list of tests.
All operations with the list of tests are saved in the history, which can be viewed on the page for viewing all client tests.
Example of editing a list of tests: