Medical Records: Viewing history
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The medical records section consists of the following parts:
Medical records history.
Laboratory test assignments history.
Procedure assignments history.
The history viewing page consists of the following parts:
1 β Navigation within the settings page.
2 β Input fields for selecting the period to view the history.
3 β Choice of which date to display the history for: the date set by the doctor when creating the record or the actual creation date of the record.
4 β Number of records found for the specified period.
5 β History displayed as a list from newest to oldest.
An entry consists of:
Patient name with a link to their page.
Date specified by the doctor when creating the medical record.
Field name where the medical record was entered.
Field value.
Actual creation date of the record.
Who added the record.
An entry consists of the following parts:
Patient name with a link to their page.
Time specified when creating the assignment.
Link to view the assignment in a new window.
List of entered tests.
Actual creation time of the record.
Creator of the record.
An entry consists of the following parts:
Patient name with a link to their page.
Time specified when creating the assignment.
Link to view the assignment in a separate window.
List of assigned procedures in table format.
Actual creation time of the assignment.
Creator of the assignment.